Dissolve Mental Blocks, Develop Resilience
Gain Clarity & Focus 
With My EPIC Success Method!

Dissolve Mental Blocks, Develop Resilience
Gain Clarity & Focus 
With My EPIC Success Method!

Dissolve Mental Blocks, Develop Resilience
Gain Clarity & Focus 
With My EPIC Success Method!


“I look forward to helping you dissolve mental blocks, gain clarity, start new endeavors 
and take your goals to 
the next level!"
Rewrite Your Story & 
Create The Life Of Your Dreams!
Following your dreams, pursuing your passions, or starting over, is not always easy. Many times there are painful setbacks, roadblocks, and other obstacles that will try to knock you off course. If you truly want to experience a reinvention, a transformation, or a new start - then it’s time to buckle up and do the work it takes. This means stepping away from negative thoughts, actions, influences, and distractions that have been holding you back and keeping you from living your best life.

In my book Your Epic Encore, you will go through a series of thought-provoking, deep-rooted questions, which will help you gain clarity and take action! You will see I am living proof that it is never too late to start over or to dream a new dream! I will teach you the Nine Pillars of Reinvention - which are tools you can put to use and execute immediately! Plus, you’ll break old habits of procrastination and repeating the same old story every day of why you can’t have, be or do what it is that you really want. 

It’s time for you to step into the driver’s seat, grab the wheel, and change the direction of your life. It’s time to make a new set of choices and to pave new roads that lead to new opportunities, connections, and adventures! It’s time for Your Epic Encore!
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Rewrite Your Story & 
Create The Life Of Your Dreams!
Following your dreams, pursuing your passions, or starting over, is not always easy. Many times there are painful setbacks, roadblocks, and other obstacles that will try to knock you off course. If you truly want to experience a reinvention, a transformation, or a new start - then it’s time to buckle up and do the work it takes. This means stepping away from negative thoughts, actions, influences, and distractions that have been holding you back and keeping you from living your best life.

In my book Your Epic Encore, you will go through a series of thought-provoking, deep-rooted questions, which will help you gain clarity and take action! You will see I am living proof that it is never too late to start over or to dream a new dream! I will teach you the Nine Pillars of Reinvention - which are tools you can put to use and execute immediately! Plus, you’ll break old habits of procrastination and repeating the same old story every day of why you can’t have, be or do what it is that you really want. It’s time for Your Epic Encore!
Let's Face It...
If Starting Over Or Starting Something New 
Were Easy - Everyone Would Be Doing  It
Without Fear Or Hesitation!

Something happens after we hit age 40 and especially after age 50... 
We start wanting to "find ourselves" or to start something new... 
Or we want go back to something we've always wanted to do.....

The Problem Is...

There are 4 huge obstacles that prevent people over 40
from starting over or having the successful results they dream about.

  They think there's not enough time left to accomplish all the things they want to do in life so they don't even try in the first place.

  They allow themselves to get overwhelmed when challenges arise and quit before they give their new projects a fair chance.

  They have been mentally stuck in the past or repeating their old habits for so long that it creates a repetitive cycle that's hard to break free from.

  They think it might be selfish to finally do something that makes them happy. They worry about what family and friends will say if they start a new venture or truly follow their dreams. 

The Truth Is...

Just a few years ago I was having the hardest time of my life. 
I lost a long term boyfriend and a few months later I lost a career that I had made 
so many sacrifices for. I had to completely reinvent my life, my world and 
everything that I had once known to be secure.

So, I went on a mission and studied with some of the best mentors, leaders, authors and thought shakers available today. Plus, I became trained in the very techniques and methodologies that lead to my life turning completely around. 

I learned to let go of years of mental and physical abuse, losing my career, being 
diagnosed with advanced arthritis and so much more. I learned to diffuse all the 
negative baggage I had been holding onto that was keeping me from believing anything was possible and that it was not too late to create the life of my dreams!

As someone who has re-built and re-invented myself in my 50's... 
I’ve confronted every frustration, challenge, doubt, and fear that’s 
stopping you from taking action on your goals. 

I will teach you to navigate those obstacles, build your dreams and 
make a bigger impact living your purpose. NOW.

Whether you're starting over, starting new, going back to doing something you love, 
or you're trying something for the first time in your life and you're scared to death... 
Great! I've been there too!

I am here to tell you - you can do anything you want. And when you follow the steps I've laid out for you, you will be unstoppable. I will help you reframe your mindset, discover your mental blocks, get clear on your highest values 
and live a life that is in alignment with your highest values. 

Let's Set The Course For Your Future...

Your Epic Encore Awaits!

Let's Face It...
If Starting Over Or Starting Something New  Were Easy - Everyone Would Be Doing  It With No Fear Or Hesitation!  

Something happens after we hit age 40 and especially 
after age 50... 
We start wanting to "find ourselves" or to start 
something new... 
Or we want go back to something we've always 
wanted to do.....

The Problem Is...

There are 4 huge obstacles that prevent people over 40
from starting over or having the successful results they dream about.

  They think there's not enough time left to accomplish all the things they want to do in life so they don't even try in the first place.

  They allow themselves to get overwhelmed when challenges arise and quit before they give their new projects a fair chance.

  They have been mentally stuck in the past or repeating their old habits for so long that it creates a repetitive cycle that's hard to break free from.

  They think it might be selfish to finally do something that makes them happy. They worry about what family and friends will say if they start a new venture or truly follow their dreams. 

The Truth Is...

Just a few years ago I was having the hardest time of my life. I lost a long term boyfriend and a few months later I lost a career that I had made so many sacrifices for. I had to completely reinvent my life, my world and everything that I had once 
known to be secure.

So, I went on a mission and studied with some of the best mentors, leaders, authors and 
thought shakers available today. 
Plus, I became trained in the very techniques and 
methodologies that lead to my life turning completely around. 

I learned to let go of years of mental and physical abuse, losing my career, being diagnosed with advanced arthritis and so much more. I learned to diffuse all the negative baggage I had been holding onto that was keeping me from believing anything was possible and that it was not too late to create the life of my dreams!

As someone who has re-built and re-invented myself in my 50's... I’ve confronted every frustration, 
challenge, doubt, and fear that’s stopping you from taking action on your goals. 

I will teach you to navigate those obstacles, build your dreams and 
make a bigger impact
 living your purpose.

Whether you're starting over, starting new, going back to doing something you love, or you're trying something for the first time in your life and 
you're scared to death... 
Great! I've been there too!

I am here to tell you - you can do anything you want. And when you follow the steps I've laid out for you, you will be unstoppable. I will help you reframe your mindset, discover 
your mental blocks, get clear on your highest values and live a life that is in 
alignment with your highest values. 

Let's Set The Course For Your Future...

Your Epic Encore Awaits!

Hi, I'm Cheryl!
I'm the founder of Your Epic Encore Coaching, a personal development company helping ambitious people over 40 live their purpose, make a huge impact, and take their goals further than ever before! Motivated by the deep desire to make an impact and serve others, I help my clients realize their unique potential and turn them into goal-getters! I teach how to break through old habits and dissolve mental blocks so you can create Your EPIC Encore!
Here's A Few Bits You Might Like To Know...
  • ​Mind & Body Fitness TV Show Host & Producer (3 years)
  • ​Mind & Body Boot Camp Founder (10 years)
  • ​Holistic Mindset Coach (12 years)
  • ​Best Personal Trainer & Club (Awarded 7 years in a row)
  • ​Co-Founder Wellness Company (10 years)
  • ​Published Columnist (12 years)
  • ​Infomercial Host & Exercise Video Host 
  • ​Speaker For Small & Large Events
  • ​Guest Features on ABC
  • ​Diagnosed With Advanced Arthritis and Switched To Aerial Fitness In My 40's!
  • ​Lost Career & Long Term Boyfriend & Started Over in my 50's!
  • ​Wrote My First Published Book - Your Epic Encore - in my 50's!
  • ​I'm on A Mission To Help Women & Entrepreneurs Over 40 Believe That It's Never Too Late To Start Over Or To Follow Their Dreams!
Hi, I'm Cheryl!
Here's A Short Recap Of My Bio..
  • ​Mind & Body Fitness TV Show Host & Producer (3 years)
  • ​Mind & Body Boot Camp Founder (10 years)
  • ​Holistic Mindset Coach (12 years)
  • ​Best Personal Trainer & Club (Awarded 7 years in a row)
  • ​Co-Founder Wellness Company (10 years)
  • ​Published Columnist (12 years)
  • ​Infomercial Host & Exercise Video Host 
  • ​Speaker For Small & Large Events
  • ​Guest Features on ABC
  • ​Diagnosed With Advanced Arthritis and Switched To Aerial Fitness In My 40's!
  • ​Lost Career & Long Term Boyfriend & Started Over in my 50's!
  • ​Wrote My First Published Book - Your Epic Encore - in my 50's!
  • ​I'm on A Mission To Help Women & Entrepreneurs Over 40 Believe That It's Never Too Late To Start Over Or To Follow Their Dreams!
Trust Me. If I Can Do It, So Can You.
I Am Living Proof That Life Can Get Even Better Than You Imagined!
Hear From Client Success Stories
"Cheryl has this incredible knack for drilling down 
to the exact issues that need to be addressed right away" - Paula
"It was a life-changing coaching session with Cheryl. And it was only my first session. Looking backwards, it is easier to connect the dots. To realize how my epiphany had been swelling like a tsunami wave in the ocean until “THAT” very moment when I was ambushed by emotional tears - of relief and joy - streaming down my cheeks. My “A-HA” moment. I now understand that without Cheryl’s intuitive and skilled assessment of what I was sharing and experiencing as we talked, that I certainly may never have seen it, felt it, recognized it, or been able to celebrate it as a breakthrough moment of epic proportion. 

Let me backup a little. This all started two months earlier when I had read Cheryl’s book “YOUR EPIC ENCORE”. A few weeks later, after reading the book a second time, I committed to doing the homework prompts suggested in her book. I won’t sugar coat it, it required a lot of self-reflection. I sometimes found clues hiding subconsciously in my dreams, but more often they were found in my conscious thoughts and visualizations. I began to write, re-write and define my story using Cheryl’s questions. I was able to take a step back, pause, dream, take in the big picture, then begin a dissection of the life of my dreams in order to create a set of goals and action steps (the what and the how). This took multiple attempts because my ego was persistently sabotaging me around every corner. 

Cheryl gently and intuitively guided me through our first session after explaining to me that her job is to listen, pick out my key priorities and reflect them back to me. Cheryl cautioned me, “I don’t have the answers, you do”. She asked targeted questions to help me see things more clearly. She helped me dig deeper. She helped me discover the answers that I already had inside of me, but that were unknown to me. 

Cheryl’s book laid the foundation for my life coaching session in a remarkable way. Cheryl’s coaching, knowledge, sensitivity, skills and intuitiveness made for an epic life coaching experience for me. And although I was emotionally exhausted at the end of that first session, I can’t wait to see where I am when I give her my progress report during our second session. It all started with the reading of a small book touting a big powerful message. “It’s never too late to rewrite your story and create the life of your dreams.” -- Betsy
"Working with Cheryl is a breath of fresh air. She has really been able to draw out of me what holds me back in becoming successful and how best to move forward towards positive change. Her pillar approach and "move it forward" positive attitude has already helped to change my mindset. I can feel myself reacting less and less to the day to day, while putting things in perspective for a much bigger end result. If you need a life coach that knows her craft and can get you to your dreams, contact Cheryl today!" -- Laure
"In just two coaching sessions, Cheryl helped me bore into the core of my self-doubt. We found a pattern there—a subconscious narrative that I had installed on a playback loop. Cheryl helped me re-establish a new narrative—one that was based in the truth of my strength. I am so grateful for her life coaching sessions because I am more able to move through life without accumulating the paralyzing baggage of blame, shame, and guilt. In fact, I now have a process that can help me recount all experiences as treasured gifts. I highly recommend Cheryl’s coaching for anyone who feels “stuck” or unable to step into their best life." -- Edy
"I want to let you know the difference I'm seeing in my results after our sessions. As we discussed, I have recently felt burdened because even though I have clear goals I want to accomplish, I noticed that I had been avoiding the most productive activities. Instead of accomplishing the milestones, I found myself spending large chunks of time on low priority tasks.

You have helped me see that the perception I held about myself wasn't a complete picture. In the past few weeks, I have clearly made a tremendous improvement. I am now completing my highest productivity tasks quickly. And the results are compounding---each day of better focus on achieving my goals boosts my confidence even more. I am so pleased with the results because I see that when I take action, good things happen.  Thank you for guiding me to see my strengths again." -- Tim 
"Have you ever been stuck in a car like in the snow or maybe in the mud, and your wheels are spinning, and you're going nowhere? So you step on the accelerator more and your wheels start spinning faster, and you're going nowhere faster? Well, that's what it feels like to be stuck in any area of your life. And when I started working with Cheryl, I realized that she is that sort of life-saving tow truck that comes along and takes the winch and puts it up to your bumper and starts pulling you out. She has this incredible knack for drilling down to the exact issues that need to be addressed right away. She has given me homework so after each session, I have something that I can immediately start to do that immediately starts to alleviate the angst that I can be in when I am feeling so very stuck. She's amazing and has an amazing personal story of her own. She has been as stuck as most of us have been and she got out of it. And she's here to tell you how to pull yourself out of it. So you can trust her. She's extremely insightful. She is a soft place to fall because she really, really listens. She lets you get it all out of your system. She takes scrupulous notes and before you know it she's giving you tools to do the exact thing that you need to be doing next and get yourself unstuck. Cheryl, I love you. You have been a wonderful coach to me and I highly recommend that everyone who's reading this, sign up for her coaching she really is amazing. And if you haven't read her book yet Your Epic Encore, oh my god, that is a fantastic Bible for life. Good luck to all of you!
 -- Paula 
"I can't tell you how wonderful I feel right now. " I loved that process of the Demartini method, and how that is so systematic. I commend you on how you are able to just chunk it down, and how you are able to just be so calm and beautiful about, here's what we're going do and here's what you need to do.

I felt very comfortable and safe with you. I felt very confident in coming to the answers that I was seeking. So thank you so much for your kindness. Thank you for your love of the Demartini work and wanting to take it to other people, you definitely are in the right place at the right time doing what I think your purpose is. 

I can't wait till our next session. And I'm just so proud of you, with your book, and starting your group, and then going into your Demartini work as well. You're just you're just a joy in so many ways and I'm so glad that you are a part of my life. Thank you!"
- Janice 
"Already on my 1st session with Cheryl I had a breakthrough. I have a lot of perceptions about myself, some of which are negative, that I have been wanting to work through in order to live a fuller and more self-aware life. After sitting with Cheryl and breaking down certain parts of my past, I was able to see myself a little more clearly. I was overcome with a sensation of relief; I felt that all of the things that I feel I need to "work on" are now more manageable to overcome and work through. 

Already within this first time talking with Cheryl I have hope for myself, that with this process and her counseling I can get myself to where I want to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Cheryl is extremely supportive, kind, and approachable. If you are looking to tap into any of the traits or habits in your life that you wish you could examine more closely, Cheryl will give you the tools you need to overcome your personal challenges. I know I will be continuing with Cheryl for hopefully many more sessions to come." 
- Olivia 

"Cheryl has been mentoring me for a few weeks now. I was in a very frustrating, challenging uphill battle for quite some time and it’s been unpleasantly overwhelming. Cheryl’s method of teaching and coaching has changed my attitude and motivation. I’m finally able to tackle what I had been putting off due to my thinking it was too much for me to handle by myself. 

She’s been a godsend to be honest. I’m now able to self-motivate and see things in a much more positive and manageable way. I’m so thankful and grateful for all that she’s done for me in a short period of time. I look forward to continuing this amazing journey and way of life with Cheryl as my inspiration. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me this far."
- Kim 

Hear From Client Success Stories
"I want to let you know the difference I'm seeing in my results after our sessions. 
You have helped me see that the perception I held about myself wasn't a complete picture. In the past few weeks, I have clearly made a tremendous improvement. I am now completing my highest productivity tasks quickly. And the results are compounding---each day of better focus on achieving my goals boosts my confidence even more. I am so pleased with the results because I see that when I take action, good things happen.  Thank you for guiding me to see my strengths again." -- Tim 
"Have you ever been stuck in a car like in the snow or maybe in the mud, and your wheels are spinning, and you're going nowhere? So you step on the accelerator more and your wheels start spinning faster, and you're going nowhere faster! Well, that's what it feels like to be stuck in any area of your life. And when I started working with Cheryl, I realized that she is that life-saving tow truck that comes along and takes the winch and puts it up to your bumper and starts pulling you out. She has this incredible knack for drilling down to the exact issues that need to be addressed right away. She has given me homework so after each session, I have something that I can immediately start to do that immediately starts to alleviate the angst that I can be in. She's amazing and has an amazing personal story of her own. She has been as stuck as most of us have been and she got out of it. And she's here to tell you how to pull yourself out of it. So you can trust her. She's extremely insightful and is a soft place to fall because she really, really listens. She lets you get it all out of your system. She takes scrupulous notes and before you know it she's giving you tools to do the exact thing that you need to be doing next and get yourself unstuck. Cheryl, I love you. You have been a wonderful coach to me and I highly recommend that everyone who's reading this, sign up for her coaching she really is amazing. And if you haven't read her book yet Your Epic Encore, oh my god, that is a fantastic Bible for life. Good luck to all of you!"
 -- Paula 
"I can't tell you how wonderful I feel right now. " I felt very comfortable and safe with you. I felt very confident in coming to the answers that I was seeking. So thank you so much for your kindness. Thank you for  wanting to help other people, you definitely are in the right place at the right time doing what I think your purpose is. I can't wait till our next session. You're just you're just a joy in so many ways and I'm so glad that you are a part of my life. Thank you!"
- Janice 
"After sitting with Cheryl and breaking down certain parts of my past, I was able to see myself a little more clearly. I was overcome with a sensation of relief; I felt that all of the things that I feel I need to "work on" are now more manageable to overcome and work through. Cheryl is extremely supportive, kind, and approachable. If you are looking to tap into any of the traits or habits in your life that you wish you could examine more closely, Cheryl will give you the tools you need to overcome your personal challenges." 
- Olivia 

"Cheryl’s method of teaching and coaching has changed my attitude and motivation. I’m finally able to tackle what I had been putting off due to my thinking it was too much for me to handle by myself. She’s been a godsend to be honest. I’m now able to self-motivate and see things in a much more positive and manageable way. I’m so thankful and grateful for all that she’s done for me in a short period of time. I look forward to continuing this amazing journey and way of life with Cheryl as my inspiration. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me this far."
- Kim 

Stay tuned for exciting workshops with the industry's greatest leaders. Or Send an email to see when our next workshop is being held. 
Need to make an impact with your team or customer base? Cheryl shares her personal story of how she was able to rise above her greatest challenges in life. She teaches the E.N.C.O.R.E. method and shares valuable insights that the audience can put to use immediately.
Services Offered:
- Individual Coaching
- Group Coaching
- Online Courses
- Facebook Group
- Events
- Workshops 

Coaching or mentoring is a way to take your goals to the next level. Whether you want to start over, get back on track, or start something new - a coach can 
devise a plan, and keep you 
accountable on all your goals. 
Does your team need help with clarity and direction? Cheryl helps businesses and employees with the tools needed for communitication and working together as a unit.
About Cheryl
Join me on Youtube where you will get access to mind set hacks, live trainings, supportive community, success habits, wellness support and exclusive coaching!
Join My Free Group
Join my Free Group where you will get access to mind set hacks, live trainings, supportive community, success habits, wellness support and exclusive coaching!
Get A Copy Of My Book - Your Epic Encore!
Get The Book people are raving about! You'll be fired up and motivated to start over, start new and create Your Epic Encore at any age! 
  •                                       BOOKING INFO OR OTHER INQUIRIES:
                Call 661-367-1010       Or Email: Cheryl@YourEpicEncore.com     Santa Clarita, CA 91355
CDB Global Enterprises, LLC        Copyright © 2024      All Rights Reserved
 Call 661-367-1010      
Or Email: Cheryl@YourEpicEncore.com
CDB Global Enterprises, LLC        Copyright © 2022     All Rights Reserved